My Airbnb in Athens!!

Ya'll, I'm going to Greece!! In less than a month, I'll be getting on a plane to Athens to study Social Emotional learning in the Greek school system. 

If you're not aware of what a Fulbright Distinguished Award in Teaching is you can check out this site, but basically, I'm being supported by the US State Department and my school district to do research abroad that will help my students. How incredible is that???

I have been a teacher for 25 years and have been teaching English at Paradise High School in Northern California for the past 20 of those. We've been through a LOT - my students survived the 2018 Campfire and then, like the rest of the nation, the subsequent trauma of COVID. We have an incredible staff at our school, but I and my colleagues found ourselves desperately looking for tools to support our students, and the national curriculum of Greece just happens to have a social emotional component. I'm heading over there for the next 5 months to observe and interview teachers about what they do in their classrooms to engage and support students. I'll be posting my pictures and experiences at least once a week and you can follow my adventures here. Also, please feel free to comment on my posts. I'd love to hear your thoughts!


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