I made it!


After a two day marathon flight and very little sleep, I arrived last night in Athens. My Fulbright orientation is tomorrow - Tuesday - but I have a full day to adjust and explore the city around my apartment. 

Last night was - disorienting - but I'm actually enjoying the feeling. Can't say that I always have. Most of my life, I've avoided situations that could be potentially confusing or uncomfortable, and here I've gone and intentionally placed myself in one and I. am. LOVING it! When I first arrived at my apartment, a little black and white cat watched me struggle to secure the key from the lock box and figure out how to get in. I'm sure I was amusing because it took me quite a while. Then, luggage stowed and family contacted, I wandered out into the night for dinner. it just so happened the first place I found was an Italian restaurant and though I felt a little silly not eating Greek food, I was hungry, so pizza it was. The next morning, though, after a 10 hour deep sleep, I found my first gyro. SO good - although the french fries wrapped up with the pork surprised me. 

My predominant emotion today is wonder - I am here - I made it - and several times I have teared up at just how fortunate I am to be drinking excellent coffee, chomping on flaky pastry, wandering through the blessed winter sunshine of this beautiful country.


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